My goals for true change in District 3 are the following:
Investing into the economy: One of the most critical factors of any government of any level is a strong economy. We will work to have more minority business owners, people of color and women in the workforce.
Investing into schooling: For our future the most crucial thing is to shape the brightest future possible for our children so we will work to maintain and even increase the budget for schools in District 3.
Improving Senior Living: We owe part of the benefits and advantages we have today through the efforts of our seniors, to give back to what they did for us we should continue to support our seniors such as improving the Howard County Ombudsman Program.
Going Green: It’s imperative that we work to reverse and heal the damages and effects of climate change, as such we need to push for bills to reduce our carbon footprint and go carbon neutral by 2030, I will work to reduce our pollution by pushing for reduction in vehicle pollution and push to invest into clean energy.